Thursday, June 17, 2004

J Krishnamurthi's Musing

A meditative mind is silent. It is not the silence which thought can conceive of; it is not the silence of a still evening; it is the silence when thought – with all its images, its words and perceptions – has entirely ceased. This meditative mind is the religious mind – the religion that is not touched by the church, the temple or by chants.
Meditation is hard work. It demands the highest form of discipline – not conformity, not imitation, not obedience – but a discipline which comes through constant awareness, not only of the things about you outwardly, but also inwardly. So meditation is not an activity of isolation but is action in everyday life, which demands co-operation, sensitivity and intelligence.
Without laying the foundation of a righteous life, meditation becomes an escape and therefore has no value whatsoever. A righteous life is not the following of social morality, but the freedom from envy, greed and the search for power – which all breed enmity. The freedom from these does not come through the activity of will but by being aware of them through self- knowing. Without knowing the activities of the self, meditation becomes sensuous excitement and therefore of very little significance.
· Always to seek for wider, deeper, transcendental experiences is a form of escape from the actual reality of “what is,” which is ourselves, our own conditioned mind. A mind that is awake, intelligent, free, why should it need, why should it have, any “experience “ at all? Light is light; it does not ask for more light.

1 comment:

Pinks said...

hey thanks for dropping by..!!!